Intuvo 9000 气相色谱系统
ntuvo 9000 气相色谱 (GC) 系统专为在简化实验室工作流程的同时提高气相色谱通量而设计。Intuvo 的快速接头可避免色谱柱维护并在一分钟内实现色谱柱更换。通过抛物线式直接加热可缩短循环时间,确保实验室的色谱分析结果可重现,并获得更高通量。
Intuvo 的内置智能功能可通过自向导诊断排除故障和早期维护反馈降低运营和维护成本。智能钥匙将识别确切的仪器配置和色谱柱参数,以减少用户错误。
ntuvo 9000 气相色谱 (GC) 系统专为在简化实验室工作流程的同时提高气相色谱通量而设计。Intuvo 的快速接头可避免色谱柱维护并在一分钟内实现色谱柱更换。通过抛物线式直接加热可缩短循环时间,确保实验室的色谱分析结果可重现,并获得更高通量。
Intuvo 的内置智能功能可通过自向导诊断排除故障和早期维护反馈降低运营和维护成本。智能钥匙将识别确切的仪器配置和色谱柱参数,以减少用户错误。
Intuvo 免切割气相色谱柱无需进行维护
直接加热柱温箱具有线性和可重复的温度梯度,能够以 250 °C/min 从 30 °C 升温至 450 °C
关键流路组件配备的智能 ID 钥匙提供了配置和色谱柱使用寿命等相关信息的默认配置参数
智能的故障排除程序可通过实时测量 100 多个系统状态参数来诊断系统中的问题,并以易于读取的格式提供逐步式解决方案引导
这款的气相色谱仪可与 5977B、7000D 和 7010B 质谱系统配合使用
Intuvo 采用高效的直接加热系统,所耗电量不到传统气相色谱的一半,同时能够显著减少释放回实验室的热能。这不仅减少了电能消耗和成本,同时也大大降低了对实验室 HVAC 系统的需求。
采用 Intuvo 芯片式保护柱无需进行色谱柱切割,从而节省了时间。保护柱出色之处体现在一款创新的金属微流控芯片上。这款保护柱在进样口衬管和色谱柱间提供了一米长的惰性流路,以捕获样品残留。通过定期更换使样品污染无法达到 Intuvo 气相色谱柱柱头,因此无需进行色谱柱切割。
- 应用领域
Cannabis and Hemp Testing
Cannabis producers and testing labs must detect and measure various compounds in the plant and ancillary products, such as edibles, to ensure quality, consistency, and safety. They use the Intuvo GC system for fast, accurate analysis of terpenes, pesticides, and residual solvents to meet customer expectations and emerging regulations. Download ready-to-run eMethods for cannabis testing that can help accelerate your start-up time, reduce risk, and increase productivity and profitability.
Drinking Water and Wastewater Testing
Even miniscule amounts of certain environmental toxins can cause negative health outcomes in humans. The Intuvo gas chromatograph can be used to determine trace levels of potentially toxic pollutants in water, including volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC), pesticides, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It can easily meet analytical performance criteria set by regulatory agencies for drinking water and wastewater standard methods
Food Safety Testing
Billions of pounds of pesticides are used worldwide every year to grow our food. Because some of these can be harmful to people, it is imperative to test the food supply for their presence. The Intuvo GC system, combined with Agilent mass spectrometers, can be used to screen, detect, and measure pesticides at extremely low concentrations so producers, food testing labs, and consumers can be confident that contaminants are below maximum residue limits set by regulatory and standards organizations.